Part 1: Social Media in Bystander Action – A Help or Hindrance?
Part 2: Positive Bystander Action: What’s at stake?
Positive bystander action is as varied and diverse as we are. There is no best way to be as a bystander. It begins by being yourself and ‘noticing’ in a way that is comfortable for you.
Part 1: Social Media in Bystander Action – A Help or Hindrance?
Part 3: Positive Bystander Action: What Does It Look Like?
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. (Martin Luther King, Jr., 1968)
A technology company...
Part 2: Positive Bystander Action: What’s at Stake?
Part 3: Positive Bystander Action: What Does It Look Like?
Recently I watched a CNN clip hosted by Don Lemon talking about how social media affects bystander reaction. The two recent examples cited were Bill Nye “the science guy” fainting on stage and Anthony Barre...
It is with and through people that work gets done. We could say relationships are the containers within which work happens. How people interact and work together matters. Successful leaders are the ones who embrace the critical nature of relationships in organizations and talk about relationship at all levels.
Not too long ago I was told by a...
Recently I participated in a conversation with colleagues about the feeling we have that a “paradigm shift” is happening in organizations. There is a movement from “managing diversity” towards creating inclusive work cultures. Another way of describing it is making the shift from “counting the mix” to...
Everything I’ve read or heard about having a blog says make sure to write regularly or else it’s better not to have one. If you want people to pay attention to your blog you have to provide something for them to pay attention to on a regular basis.
OK. That makes sense. I get it. And I notice that my last entry was 5 months ago. And...
It was a snowy day today. The snow started falling during the night and was still falling heavily at 10am as I contemplated my Sunday long run. Yikes! My training plan called for a 14 miler today. I looked out the window at the big white flakes and thought, “Looks like I’m going to have an adventure!” I donned my many layers of...
I’ve been thinking about appreciation a lot lately. In particular, appreciation for those people in our lives that are invisible to us or that we treat as invisible.
Right now I’m out of town on business staying in a hotel. When I opened my toiletries kit I saw the notes I’ve collected from past travels. These notes are...
I ran a 25k race today. That’s just less than 16 miles. Moments before the start, the race director reminded us that there are 16 hills on the course. This is the fourth year I’ve run this race and I always forget about the hills. What I remember is the amazing views of the Atlantic Ocean all the way along the course. You see this...
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